
Saturday, August 29, 2009

One Pochade Box

Since I first posted my “how to build your own Pochade Box” instructions back in February, I’ve had an amazing response from people all around the world. That post is being read in 48 countries and has been translated into 28 languages. There has been an array of correspondences with artist on every continent.

But these are the first images I’ve seen of a Pochade Box built from these plans.
This kit was built by Ruth Vines, a fine artist/graphic artist living in Florida, USA.
Ruth built a 10’ x 12” box with a Plexiglas palette.

Quote: "It was very easy to build, has more space than the small cigar box I have been using thus far (bought at ebay), and with the flatter mixing area I can finally do some knife painting. I put a piece of plexiglass in the mixing area, for easier cleanup."

Not only did Ruth do a beautiful job of making the Pochade kit, but she has already field tested it, producing some stunning work.
Check out Ruth’s work on her site.

Conquering the world, One Pochade Box at a time. Enjoy, Jim.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

'Anyone could paint that'

Those crazy looking hay bails always attract my attention but I never thought they would be a great subject matter, just too clique. This is a oil sketch that I started with a red ochre underpainting..
Which all got me to thinking about a article on
by Paddy Johnson, titled , 'Anyone could paint that' and 7 other myths about art.., well worth the read.
Enjoy Jim