
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Over the Garden Fence

Over the Garden Fence, 8 x 10 in, Oil on panel © Jim Serrett

The garden has been the inspiration for several paintings and sketches, this day I thought I would be painting some natural arrangement of flowers with lots of pops of colors. But what caught my attention were the simple tree forms over the garden fence. There was such a nice atmosphere within the trees and interesting transitions of hard and soft edges. This view is one of those things you know you have looked at dozens of times but never quite saw.  Subject matter and inspiration are everywhere, sometimes it just takes putting the brakes on a little. Slowdown, take nature in and you just might be surprised by what you’ve overlooked.

When I sit down to make a sketch from nature, the first thing I try to do is to forget that I have ever seen a picture.    --John Constable

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Explore - Question - Learn - - Enjoy, Jim

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