
Friday, December 27, 2013

Twisted Sisters

I like to go back to the same scenes and locations when sketching. Sometime it's to add another layer of refinement to a piece in progress or to gather more information on a new canvas. The purpose of a field sketch is to capture the essentials of a scene, and add to my inventory of knowledge. I want to paint from my experiences onsite, plus working from life is learning to see nature, which will only enhance my studio work. 

The Loblolly Pines caught my interest because of the twists and turns of the branches. I wanted to capture the simple rhythm and forms within the complex tangle of limbs and describe some of the changing aspects of light. On my second visit at this location we had a nice snow fall, which really changed my center of interest and I painted this simple sketch of the pines in snow.

The two sketches will be nice reference material in the studio. My studio paintings are derived from my Pochade box paintings, a collections of sketches, color notes and memory.  Many of the Pochade’s never make it to the “Big Stage” - that being a larger studio version, but all of them add to my understanding of painting the landscape.

Twisted Sisters 5 x 7 inches Oil on panel © Jim Serrett 
Loblolly Pines in Snow 5 x 7inches Oil on panel © Jim Serrett

Explore - Question - Learn - - Enjoy, Jim

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