
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thanks for Listening 2016

How very grateful I am for you.

To my dear friends, colleagues, collectors, bloggers and loved ones who made 2016 such a wonderful year, you will never know how much your support is appreciated.

This Blog has been an amazing thing and has served multiple purposes. It has created a creative community of which I am a part and given me a voice to speak about the art I create. It has allowed me to think deeply about my work, art in general and its importance in the world. It has given me a window into the making of my art and by others, and a wealth of information to share and digest. I admit it has been mostly about me, for I benefit the most. But it would not exist without you.

Thank you. Thank you all for your continuing support.

“The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.”     ---Friedrich Nietzsche

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year, Jim

For my loving wife Linda, I know that no words can express how grateful I am for you.
I am a lucky man. 
My goal and promise in life to show you every day how much I love you, appreciate you and cherish you.
All my love, and Happy Anniversary!

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Explore - Question - Learn - - Enjoy, Jim 

Website - 
Studio Blog - 
Landscape Blog - Pochade Box Paintings

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