
Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Long View

This has been a busy spring, lots of art activities going on, exhibitions and shows in several local communities which I am participating in. So it’s been a lot of framing and organizing of work, between that and the turbulent weather we are having here, there has not been much brush time.

Did get this little study done, I like these long views across the plowed fields, very typical Southern Illinois scenery this time of year. It is also a pretty good metaphor for me to keep in mind, when placing your work out there to exhibit you need to see the long view. Like everybody else I get impatient about the goals I want to achieve, I tell myself my skills need to be at this level, my sales at that and so on and on. The reality is that with all of this stuff, - the journey to success is not a sprint, but a marathon.           
To find a good pace and take the long view.

The Long View, oil on panel, 5 x 7 inches, © Jim Serrett Studio

“It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.”

Explore - Question - Learn - - Enjoy, Jim 

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