Artist - Judy Holder
Judy is an artist from Connecticut who has a very unique and personal style, you will certainly enjoy her use of brushwork and color, which flows through out her work. I particularly like her use of architectural features in her landscapes.
She reworked her box using some of the design ideas from my post, " How to build your own Pochade Box ".
"This is a pochade painting box I started building two years ago, and just recently finished after reading and viewing Jim Serrett's blog."
You can reach her page about her Pochade kit here.
You can learn more about the artist at her site, http://judyholder.blogspot.com/

Phong is a talented artist from Columbus Ohio, from the highly acclaimed Columbus College of Art and Design working in multiple mediums. Illustration, design and fine arts.
Phong made some unique innovations to the box design adding a wet panel carrier into the top lid.
"I changed up a few things like making the box smaller and adding the wet panel carrier to the top."
"This thing is nice! So solid. Now I can see why people pay so much money for them."
"After using the box a few times, I think it might have been better to just make the panel carrier separately to keep the weight down, but with the box now, I have 1 less thing to carry."
I truly like the adjustable panel carrier inside of the kit, everything being self contained and one unit truly is streamlined and compact. Phong did have some problems with the t-nut mount holding, but I think we figured a piece of hard wood as the base plate would resolve that issue. The craftsmanship and the design ideas are impressive.
You can reach his page about his Pochade kit here.
And learn more about this artist at his site,

Artist - Ron Guthrie
Ron is an artist from Solvang, California. Ron is a very accomplished plein air painter, who has a excellent blog with demonstrations, painting tips and some just stunning work. Be sure to check it out.
Ron has access to power equipment and that is reflected in the quality of his box, but agrees that this box can easily be built with simple hand tools. He also built a panel carrier.
"I've been wanting to build a pochade box much like the $300 models you can by without spending the $300. Jim Serrett had built such a box, the Serrett Pochade Box, using simple contstruction methods and scraps of wood keeping costs down and making building the box as simple as you can get."
"I don't think I paid more than $20 for all the material. I used an air powered brad nailer but you could do this with small finishing nails and a hammer. I have a table saw too but all of the wood can be cut with a hand saw. It's a great little box and can handle anything up to 9"x12" panels."
You can reach his page about his kit here.
You can learn more about this artist at his site. www.guthrieart.blogspot.com
Be certain to visit these artist's sites for more information on their personalized boxes.
My many thanks to everyone who has shared their efforts and artwork, you have made this a great experience for many.
Enjoy, Jim